Volume 7
Dow History PDF 2-up 239 total "Page" Date
Land/Meeting Click here to go
to Town Records, Vol.7
Dow History PDF 2-up 239 total "Page" Date Land/Meeting Subject

Sect 1 pdf 1 1 10-7-1638 & 1639 Memorandum, land layout review

2 2 1639 meeting

2 3 10-24-1639 meeting 300 acres: Bachelder, Dalton;250 acres:Hussey, Cross, J. Moulton;100 acres Palmer, P. Dalton, Swaine, Jones;80 acres: Saunders, Davis; Wakefield 150 ac.

3 4 1639-1640 It is agreed …

3 5 4-30-1640 Grants listed. Bachiler (note-4th month at this time period could be June)

4 6 1640 Grants to Dalton, Hussey, Cross & Moulton

4 7 1640 Grants to Palmer, P. Dalton, Eastow, Wakefield & Moulton

5 8 1640 Grants to Tucke, Saunderson, Jones, Davis, Perkins, Howard, Page, T. Dalton.

5 9 1640 Grants to Mingay, Ward, Pebody, Clarke, Greenfield, Johnson, Widow Hussey, Fuller. (clerk's note: some grants cannot be copied, difficult to read)

6 10 1640 Grants to Huggins, Marston, Samborne, Saunders, Coules (Cole?), Sargeant, Inglish, Horton, Brown, Coxe, Chase, Asten, Widow Parker, King, Taylor. (some noted "if he comes," or "If he comes in ____ weeks")

6 11 1640 Grants to Ward, Fifield, Samborne, Samborne, Moulton, Palmer, Bright, Hemicke, Davis, Marston, Wedgwood, Fuller, Filbrig (Philbrick), Smith, Dwight, Chase, Morse, Brabrook.

7 12 5-15-1640 & 5-20-1640 & 6-4-1640 Meeting. Sawyer, Eldred, Hussey & Wakefield. 11-10-1640 grants of 300 ac each.

7 13 6-25-1640 Meeting

8 14 7-1-1640 & 7-14-1640 & 7-23-1640 & 7-28-1640 Meetings: Cross, Johnson, Knight, Sleeper, Dalton, Tucke, Saunderson, Davis Hwys to be viewed

8 15 9-6-1640 & 8-30-1640 Meetings: Ambrose, Carre, Legat, English, Horton, Swaine, Howard, Crosse & King. Road for Hampton to the Falls (No. Hampton).

9 16 10-3-1640 & 11-29-1640 & 12-8-1640 & 1-23-1641 Meetings: Wainwright, King, Moulton, Howard, Perkins, Dalton, Mingay, Page, Davis, Greenfield, Johnson, Ambros &, Samborne.

9 17 cont'd & 1-29-1641 Meeting: Howard, Swaine & Tucke Run line between Hampton & Salisbury. Ground now Great boarshead to the river to the sea shall be a common forever to the world's end.

10 18 2-14-1641 & 2-19-1641 Meeting: Dalton, Moulton, Swaine, Mingay, Perkins, Jones, Seward, Tucke, Asten, Davis, Drake, Palmer, Wedgwood, Ambrose, Chase, Knight, Swaine, Hussy & Moulton. Fence on the ring

10 19 3-5-1641 & 3-24-1641 Meetings: Dalton, Cross, Palmer, Howard, Wakefield & Swaine. Laying out Salisbury hwy.

11 20 4-16-1641 & 5-7-1641 & 6-28-1641 Meetings: Perkins & Cross.

11 21 cont'd & 10-11-1643 & 5-2-1644 & 3-18-1644 Meetings: Hussy, Howard, Perkins, Mingay & Pebodye.

12 22 cont'd & 5-8-1644 & 2-25-1645 Meetings: Palmer, Page, Boulter, Howard & Ambrose.

12 23 cont'd & 3-4-1644 & 11-27-1644 Meetings: Palmer, Wakefield, Fuller, Moulton, Page, Dalton, Ward, Ropper, Howard, Pickering & Wyeth. Bounty for killing wolves

13 24 11-16-1644 & 2-1-1645 Meetings: Page, Ambrose & Howard.

13 25-26 3-1-1645 & 12-23-1645 Meetings: Moulton & Perkins. Shares of commons listed, farms. common lands, 147 shares, farms

14 27 2-28-1647 & 1-16-1647& 2-12-1647 Meetings: Prudential men (Estow, Moulton, Colcord, Minge, Page, Pebodi, Tuck) Eastow to keep books, Tuck is clerk. Wheelwright from Wells as pastor and teacher. Church of Jesus Christ.

15 28-29 cont'd & 2-15-1647 & 3-15-1647 Meetings: Wheelwright & Batchelder Timothy Dalton not chosen; maintenance of ministry.

16 30 11-12-1648 & 1-25-1649 & 10-27-1649 & 2-21-1649 & 12-6-1649 Meetings: Wheelwright, Johnson, Shaw, Esto, Page, Tuck, Marston, Stanyan, Moulton, Bacheler, Howard & Ward.

16 31 2-6-1650 Meeting: Fuller, Perkins, Hussey, Ward, Swaine, Pebody, Mingay & Sanborn, Re Church: Swaine, Marston, Thing, Palmer, Dalton, Colcat, Hussy, Page & Shaw

17 32 2-6-1649 Meeting: Legat, Rishworth, Dow, Sanborn, Swaine & Brown

17 33 11-21-1651 Meeting: Mingay, Hussy, Dalton, Wheelwright, Fuller, Perkins, Sanborn & Ward Old grants confirmed dated 1-6-1651

18 34 11-21-1651 Owners of commons Shares

18 35 10-24-1651 & 11-26-1651 & 2-1-1652 Meetings: Dalton, Page, Marston, Fifield, Moulton, Tuck, Redman & Mingay Dalton Farm at Sagamore Hill

19 36 3-8-1653 & 1-31-1653 & 4-9-1653 & 7-16-1653 Meetings: Eastow, Fuller, Ward, Moulton, Cas, Dalton & Hussey

19 37 5-18-1653 Meeting: Winsloe, Bradbury Pike, Eastow & Coulman Boston Court re laying out west end of Hampton north line toward Straburibank.

20 38 12-27-1653 & 11-26-1653 &11-20-1653 Meetings: Page, Marston, Roby, Taylor, Fogg, Bachelder, Casse, Swaine & Nudd or Middee? Wolf killings, fencing of burial place

20 39 1-16-1654 & 1-23-1654 Meetings: Stanyan, Mingay, Fifield, Hobbs & Eastow Issue taken to court re Morris Hobbs vs Town.

21 40 6-22-1654 &2-6-1654 & 1-23-1654 Meetings: Stanyan, Sanborn, Fifield, Shaw, Culman, Fltecher, Godfrey, Smith, Swaine, Phiblrick, Sayward, Marston & Taylor to keep the ordinary.

21 41 7-28-1654 & 2-5-1655 & 3-1-1654 & 9-25-1654 Meetings: Drake, Samborn, Downes, Dalton, Wheelwright, Page, Perkins, Dearborn, Palmer, Fogg & Mingay.

22 42 3-16-1655 & 3-24-1655 Agreement & bounds of Hampton-Salisbury. Road from Rowley, Carr's ferry to Clark farm. Meeting re joining with Rowley for country way Line laid out.

22 43 11-17-1655 & 2-15-1656 & 1-13-1656 & 3-1-1656 Meetings: Mingay, Marston, Redman, Brown, Roby & Hussey Fishing trade, dispute over Salisbury line

23 44 10-19-1656& 12-26-1656 Meetings: Fifield, Dow, Mingay, Tucke & Page Page sawmill on Taylor River

23 45 2-2-1657 & 2-30-1657 & 3-2-1657 Meetings" Tuck, Ward, Leavitt, Samborn, Casse, Perkins, Shaw, Swaine, Fifield, Green, Reade of Boston, Fuller & Dow.

24 46 4-8-1657 & 7-17-1657 & 9-30-1657 Meetings: Page, Dow, Bradstreet, Cotton, Ward, Swaine, Moulton & Samborn Minister's house

24 47 10-24-1657 & 10-5-657 Meetings: Shaw, Page, Marston, Dalton, Ward, Sambon, Moulton, Dalton, Fuller & Casse

25 48 1-25-1658 Meeting: Dalton, Moulton, Perkins, Mery, Marston, Cutts, Dow & Ward.

25 49 2-29-1658 Meeting: Hussey, Moulton, Dalton, Talor, Drake, Dow, Ward, Marston, Samborn, Dudley & Cotton

26 50 5-29-1658 & 7-16-658 Meeting: Cotton, Ward, Samborn, Palmer, Coulman, Tuck & Dow

26 51 9-23-1658 & 10-23-1658 & 2-28-1659 & 7-25-1659 Meetings: Smith, Cotton, Widdow Moulton, Burce, Jos. Meris, Marston, Fifield, Hobbs & Dalton

27 52 1-9-1660 & 10-20-1660 Meetings: Smith, Roby, Samborn, Vlifford, Bachelder, Lamperile, Page, Godfrey & Robey

27 53 11-1-1660 Meeting: Colcord, Sandrs, Marston, Dow, Ward, Taylor, Green, Hussy, Roby & Fuller

28 54 1-14-1661 & 3-6-1661 Meetings: Smith, Samborn, Robey, Cotton, Ward, Fuller, Moulton, Dow & Marston

28 55 11-16-1661 Meeting: Dow, Garland, Page, Godfrey, Marston, Cotton, Philbrick, Boulter, Marrion & Leavitt

29 56 1-11-1662 & 3-11-1662 Meetings: Stanyan, Perkins, Green, Dalton, Cockes?, Marston, Boulter & Redman

29 57 7-4-1662 & 7-15-1662 & 10-8-1662 & 9-1-1663 Meetings: Cotton, Fifield, Roby, Dalton, Marston, Dearborn, Fog, Philbrick & Nudd

30 58 6-9-1663 Meetings: Dalton, Hussey, Stanyan, Samborn, Kelley, Marston, Palmer, Redman, Drake, Morris & Hobbs killing of wolves and bears

30 59 4-16-1663 & 5-22-1663 & 7-28-1663 Meetings: Hussy, Page, Samborn, Redman, Parker, Dow, Garland, Marrian, Leavitt, Dow, Marston, Nudd, Boulter, Fuller, Fifield & Boulter Shares

31 60 8-12-1663 & 12-4-1663 Meetings: Hussey, Dalton, Ward, Drake, Boulter & Higgins

31 61 1-25-1664 & 3-10-1664 & 7-14-1664 Meetings: Sleeper, Redman, Brown, Fifield, Fuller, Marston, Bachelder, Fuller & Roby

32 62 7-14-1664 & 8-14-1664 & 9-21-1664 Meetings: Salter, Hussey, Dalton, Fuller, Samborn & Redman Salter demands keeping of Unis Cole with court order.

32-33 63-65 1-16-1665 Meeting: Marston, Drake, Roby, Leavitt, Dow,Ward, Samborn, Dalton & Moulton, Danborn, Roby, Ward, Dalton & Moulton.

33-34 65-66 7-26-1664 & 9-21-1664 Meetings: Marston, Redman, Dow,Dalton, Mrs. Dalton, Sleeper, Marston, Dow, Moulton, Roby, Sanborn and dissentors. 3 acres added to 4 acres of Sleeper's house lot.

34 66-67 10-5-1664 Meetings: John Brown's river, fencing of the commons

34-35 67-68 3-27-1665 & 6-20-1665 Meetings: Marston, Roby, Nudd, Batchelder, Deering, Tucke, Samborn & Swett

35 68-69 7-18-1665 Meeting: Wher, Swaine, Stanyan, Philbrick, Cotton, Samborn, Dalton, Roby, Green & Garland.

35-36 69-0 10-10-1665 Meeting: Hussey, Ward, Dalton, Drake, Molton, Dow, Stanyan, Philbrick, Swaine, Wher & Boulter

36 70-71 3-12-1666 & 5-12-1666 & re 1663 2nd Div Meetings: Marston, Roby, Fuller, Leavitt, Garland, Stanyan, Samborn, Fuller, Cotton, Dalton, Drake, Perkins, Swett, Redman, Taylor & Dow.

36-37 71-73 7-26-1666 & 3-7-1667 Meetings: Roby, Cotton, Page, Godfrey, Hussy, Fuller, Marston, Hobbs, Lock, Bachilder, Samborn & Dalton, Page, Marston, Samborn, Wyer, Leavitt, Roby, Cotton, Lock, Moulton & Foulsham.

37-38 73-74 5-22-1667 Meeting: Roby, Foulsham, Tilton, Shaw, Fuller, Samborn, Dalton & Shaw

38 74-75 7-12-1667 & 11-10-1667 Meetings: Hobbs, Stanyan, Roby, Sanborn, Kid & Cotton

38 75 3-9-1668 Meeting: Roby, Marston, Bachilder, Philbrick, Huggins, Moulton, Dow, Stanyan, Dalton, Palmer, Lock, Nudd, Samborn John Lock accepted as inhabitant (dissentors)

39 76 3-18-1668 Meeting: Page, Samborn, Dalton, Casse, Marston, Nudd, Taylor, Green, Fifield, Philbrick, Moulton & Smith

39-40 77-78 7-16-1668 & 12-12-1668 Meetings: Swett, Hussey, Stanyan, Fuller, Ward, Dow, Marston & Drake Mary Read w/ child to be sent to Boston.

40 78-79 3-9-1669 & 4-12-1669 & 9-5-1669 Meetings: Green, Drake, Wher, Samborn, Hussey, Stanyan, Redman, Fifield, Philbrick, Dow & Marston

40 79 12-10-1669 Meeting: Johnson, Roby, Page, Samborn, Fuller, Perkins, Swett, Marston & Taylor

40-41 79-81 12-14-1669 Meeting: Stanyan, Wyer, Soutter, Swett, Wyer, Samborn, Fogg, Moulton, Marston, Taylor, Perkins,Fuller, Bachilder, Hobbs & Smith

41-42 81-82 12-22-1669 Meeting: Samborn, Wyer, Johnson, Page, Dow, Philbrick, Dearborn, Nudd & Godfrey

42 82-83 3-3-1670 Meeting: Stanyan 77 Lots drawn in 4 divisions

42-44 83-86 11-18-1670 & 1-12-1670 Meetings: Casse & Fuller

43 84 cont'd 1-12-1670 Meeting: Gould, Wiggins, Rier, Dow, Fuller, Stanyan, Marston, Page, Swett, Nudd, Dearborn & Samborn

43 85-86 cont'd 1-12-1670 Meeting: Page, Dalton, Wyer, Samborn, Fogg, Stanyan & Rice Unise Cole

44 86 12-9-1670 Meeting: Page, Godfrey, Deaborn, Samborn, Wyer, Nudd, Drake, Johnson, Philbrick, Dow, Green, Palmer, Swett & Marston

44-45 87-88 5-31-1671 & 12-8-1671 & 12-9-1671 Meetings: Samborn, Hussey, Dalton, Nudd, Casse & Moulton

45 88-89 12-17-1671 & 4-25-1672 Meeting: Drake, Dudley, Widow Garland, Wyer, Marston, Stanyan, Johnson, Hussey, Dalton, Cotton, Samborn, Roby. Peter Johnson released his right to mill on Nillus to set up gristmill on Little River near Barren Hill.

46 - 3-22-1639 (called May 22, 1639) & 7-4-1639 At General Court at Boston, Winnacunnet to be a town 7-4-1639: Winnacunnet to be called Hampton

Sect. 2

pdf 46-48 1-4
Grant Timothy Dalton

48 4-5
Grant William Palmer

48-49 5-6
Grant William Eastow

49-50 7-9
Grant Philomen Dalton

50-51 9-12
Grant Robert Page

52-53 12-14
Grant William Fuller

53-55 15-17
Grant William Moulton

54-55 17-19
Grant Thomas Chase & Thomas Chase, Jr.

56 20 9-21-1708 meeting Hilliard requests 2 lotts in old North Div. and allow John Filbrick (Philbrick) 4th share.

56-57 21-22
Grant Abraham Perkins

57 23
Grant Aquila Chase

23-24 12-29-1712 meeting laid out to Josep Chase & committee appointed to lay out 2nd N Div & West Div.

58 24 7-16-1658 meeting examination of grants & appointments of land, hwys and the like to … in new Town Book.

58 25 12-19-1658 Committee agrees … Grants not found to be recorded need 2 witnesses as evidence. Hwys to be laid out.

59 26 7-12-1721 meeting, lot layers to lay out land for school house Hwys 1702 ref. & 2nd Div.

59 27 12-5-1720 meeting Isaac Green land exchange 3rd W. Div / 2nd W. Div

60 28
Land laid out … Grant? Henry Sayward / Lt.John Smith land exchange

60 29
Grant Henry Green

61 30 6-30-1708 appointed to measure 5 ac land Taylor lays down to use of town

61 31 1658 Grant Benjamin Wieth

62 32 1658 Grant Anthony Taylor

62 33 ="83" 1658 Grant Moses Cox

63 34 1658 Grant John Davis

63 35 1658 Grant Edward Colcort

63 35 2-29-1711 meeting 65 ac parsonage land on south side of Taylor River laid out.

64 36 8-6-1711 meeting 8 ac on Falls side belongs to new parish on Plum Island

64 36-37 1658 Grant Thomas Moulton

64 37 1-7-1713 meeting James Lock to have 1/2 of 2 shares in 1st N. Div. Should be a hwy on this land.

65 38-39 1658 Grant William English

66 40 7-16-1703 Deposition Nathaniel Lock, son of John Lock, gave to his brother John half of his right on Joslings Neck and he settled there.

66-68 41-44 1658 Grant William Howard

68 44-45 1658 Grant Edmont Johsonn

68-69 45-46 1673 Exchange 10-12-1672 (fagite' brook) Land to Peter Jonsonn / Johnson

69-70 46-48 1658 Grant John Brown (13/24 re Sleeper)

70 49 7-2-1708 Agreement between Jacob & Thomas Brown. Thomas to have island in river / 2nd Div / 3rd Div.

70-71 49-50 1658 Grant ( house lot was sometimes Sanders, Wakefields, laying between upland of Henry Dow…) Thomas Sleeper "certain river," 1 ac house lot, 3 ac meadow, 5 ac marsh, 5 ac upland, 3 ac meadow.

71 51 1654 Grant Francis Pebodye "certain river"

72 52 11-10-1652 Re Peabody? Colcord sold to Drake 2 shares of commonage which he bought of Greenfield. Deed acknowledged. Notation, land of Peabody "Mill Brook"

72 52 1710 Appointed to measure width of road going to Salisbury … near land of isaac Green, Dow, Hobbes and Purington. (ref to see p 42)

72 53 1658 Grant Isaac Perkins

73 54 10-21-1709 land measured … Benjamin Perkins land 15 ac.

73 54 6-17-1708 Committee joined with lot layers to sett out bounds … Divide into 4 ranges, bounds, ranges & divisions, New Plantation

73 55 11-16-1708 surveyors appointed to … laying a "way" of last West Division to Great Rock

74 56 1658 Grant Walter Ropper

74 57 2-27-1708 Per order of the commoners… conflict w/ Peter Weare re land grant

74-75 57-58 1658 Grant William Cole, abutting meeting house green

75 58-59 1658 Grant Morrice Hobbs

75 59-60 1658 Grant William Fifield

76 61 10-29-1709 Committee agrees … Straightening line of land Jonathan Fifield fenced in.

76 61-63 1658 Grant Jeffrey Mingay

77 63 1-31-1711 Ordered by selectmen … Laying out country road to Portsmouth

77-78 63-64 1658 Grant John Wedgwood

78 64-65 1658 Grant Samuel Getchill

78 65 1672 Getchill land formerly Aborn's. George Aborn 12 ac to Thos Dearborn formerly Purrington at North Hill. Re Chase & Sleeper.

79-80 66-68 1658 Grant to Thomas Levitt 5 acres upland for house lot…, North Field, North Plaine, … granted to Francis Asten (father-in-law), laying near Timothy Dalton meadow…

80 68 1-30-1708 Committee chosen to see what damages done to Wingate… Road through North Div. previously granted to Garland is allowed 1.25 acre in satisfaction.

80 69 1658 Grant Mary Hussey

81 70 6-9-1701 Grant voted by town William Lane on No side of Giles Swamp, 1 acre

81 70 4-8-1712 Laid out half an acre of land on south side of road before his house… for half acre layd down at east end of his lot to the use of the commoners. Moses Levitt

81 70 1658 Grant Widow Bristo

81-82 71-72 2-1661 Grant and witnessed satisfaction for way taken out of his land by the falls river and land for a convenient landing place. Certain piece of land which Page layd down to the town on the west side of the mill brook … Thomas Worde

82-83 73-74 1658 Grant Giles Fuller

83-84 74-76 1658 Grant John Moulton abutting Meeting House Green

84 76-77 2-7-1703 Appointed by freeholders to measure Thomas Dearborn 5 ac

77 1-19-1703 Measured the land laid down to the town. Jacob Basford

84 77 1658 Grant Henry Ambrose

84 78 6-10-1708 According to vote part of commoners in exchange 2-3 acres Deacon T. Dearborn lays down land and it was measured.

85 78 1708 Committee makes satisfaction jacob Basford

85-86 79-80 1658 Grant William Marston (sp? Maston)

86 80-81 1658 Grant Henry Moulton

86 81 5-11-1711 meeting Quaker parsonage meeting

86-87 81-82 1658 Grant Thomas Marston

87 82-83 1658 Grant Richard Swayne

88 84 1658 Grant Francis Swayne

88 85 11-22-1709 We of the committee agree… Benjamin Towles / bounds N. Div.

88-89 85-87 1658 Grant Robert Tuck

89-90 87-89 1658 Grant Christopher Hussey

90 89 1-4-1712 By order of the commoners Jonathan Fifield (fence) land to Redman

90-91 89-90 1658 Grant Steven Batchelder

91 91 1770 We have laid out ... Josiah Samborn 3 ac and /Stephen Samborn 1 ac / near Exeter line.

91-92 91-92 11-30-1708 According to order of commoners… Nathaniel Sanborn 10 ac / James Prescott 10 ac

92 92-93 1658 Granted William Sanborn

92 93 11-30-1708 According to order of commoners… laid out to Benjamin Sanborn 20 acres

93 94 1658 Granted John Samborn

93-94 95-96 1658 Granted James Davis (ref Stanyan bought of Davis)

94 96 11-21-1709 We of the committee agree… Samuel Shaw bounds

94-95 97-98 1658 Grant John Cross sometimes of Hampton

98 4-21-1670 Upon the request of… Benjamin Shaw request

95 99 4-21-1670 We whose names … John Cross laid out 15 acres

95-96 99-100 1658 Grant Henry Dowe

96 100 10-21-1709 We the committee agree… Benj. Perkins bounds, Josiah Dow pre Browns

96 101 1658 Grant [see vol 7 p 128] Henry Roby

96 101 3-20-1710 According to order of selectmen… Samuel Roby satisfaction for land taken for "ways."

96-97 101-103 1658 Grant Widow Parker sometimes of Hampton

97 103 1658 Grant Thomas Jones sometimes of Hampton

97 103 10-25-1709 Committee Benjamin James to have 1/2 acre near his barn

98 104 1658 Grant James Davis

98 104-105 9-4-1693 meeting Little River Sawmill above Peter Johnson grant/dam

98 105 4-10-1711 We the committee agree… Theophylis Cotton / James Prescott

99 106 5-22-1701& 7-11-1701 meeting Timothy Hilliard issue / request to lay out way from farm that was Dalton's.

99 106 11-10-1701 meeting Samuel Hely (Healy)

99 107 10-24-1651 agreement Timothy Dalton salary

99 107 5-26-1652 General Court at Boston approves north line of Hampton / Exeter / Salisbury

100 108 1651 Rec'd of the town… Wheelwright receipts (1651-1658) re town/church

11-24-1658 Cotton Seaborn house

100 109 10-1660 Lot layers Public way from meeting house green / to determine hywys/use

101 110 1660 Lot layers: between Robt Tuck & Rich. Swaine Roads/Bounds described (cont'd from 109) 3rd/4th items

101-102 110-113 2-1661 Lot layers: Roger Shaw & John Clifford. Thomas Ward / R. Swaine Roads/Bounds described (cont'd from 109) 3rd/4th items

102-103 113-114 1658 Eastfield John Huggins grant / 4th "and the springs in it" / 6 acres planting land near springs.

103 114 4-16-1711 gets 2 shares in 2 last divisions. (source p 95 V2?) John Huggins, Jr. [p93/95?] (source?)

103 114 7-28-663 Grant Seaborn Cotton grant 200 acres "hog pen" plains

103 114 1668/9 memo: previously laid out Seaborn Cotton grant 200 acres "hog pen" plains

103 115 2-36-1669 per request of owners of T. Dalton farm. way needed Stanyan's to Exeter

103 115 9-21-1664 settled on line by County Court at Salisbury. "Great Rock"

104 116 1658 Grant; pre H.Green&A.Perkins/now Tuck John Cass grant (for building water mill)

104 116-117 1-31-1672 Return of committee Chase land passage - so side Falls River

105 118 1658 Grant Samuel Fogg grant bought of Hussey in East Field

105 118-119 1658 Grant Nathaniel Batchelder grant "certain river"

105 119 1658 Rubish/Rubishi land near beach / Gouge's Wigwam

105 119 1658 Grant John Redman "marsh Little River, certain creek"

106 120 7-9-1708 lot layers John Redman near fagity Brook

106 121 1658 Grant John Clifford

106 121-122 1658 Grant William Swain

107 122 3-10-1712 lot layers Cut out Swain's land, laid out 1-4-17715

107 123 1658 Grant Edward Tuck; 6 acres granted him sold to H. Green

107 123 6-6-1697 lot layers laid out10 rod wide hyw from Palmers to burying place / School house grant

108 124 10-20-1709 We of the committee agree… North Hill bridge bounds by Dearborns

108 124 11-16-1715 a way through Palmer lot near Winnacut River

108 125 1658 Grant Godfrey Dearborn (bounds on Wheelwright)

108 125 6-18-1708 lot layers / Dearborn exchange Pine Hill common land bounds on Dearborn

109 126 1658 Grant James Philbrick

109 126 12-191709 Joseph Philbrick land on south side of way (near barn and near house)

109 127 1658 Grant Thomas Philbrick Jr.

109 127 5-1-1712 We the undersigned agree… John Jennis? fenced in land, paid

110 128 5-28-1726 Notice given… Deborah Brown removed

110 128 1658 Grant Henry Robey

110 128 4-8-1710 According to order of selectmen… layd out to Sam'l Roby, prev Thos. Leavitts

110 129 1658 Grants John Cram bought of Wm. Marston / Abraham Drake/ John Marston"springs" sometime granted to John Samborn.

111 130 9-30-1712 meeting re Cotton, parsonage lands, repair of meeting house parsonage land near grapevine run to be fenced

111 131 ref to p 108 Vol.2 Robert Smith 5 acres bought of Wedgewood

111 131 1-7-1713 Grant Jos Smith ref to land granted 2nd W.Division

111 131 1670 Grant (ref p 109 Vol. 2) Giles Fifield 1st granted to Richard Cole

112 132 5-26-1701 We whose names … Kingston/Hampton line over great brook known as "Kingston Nilass"

112 133 1666 Grant Nathanial Boulter "lyeth over mill brook - sawmill"

112 133 1702 Return of lot layers of West Div.; all divisions' shares enumerated West Division "layers" 12 Divisions/351 half shares

113 134 4-1-1693 We whose names … Hyw thru Philip Towle land - satisfied

113 134-135 1679 "Rubbishy meadow" or wett ground Francis Jennis grant near Josling's Neck

114 135 7-22-1698 "Barron Plains" Henry Green 10 acres in Falls woods replacing Ring

114 136 11-25-1693 layout near beach per selectmen's orders Layout near Joseph Philbrick toward Francis Jennis

114 136 11-15-1693 cart hwy from Little Boar's head along beach to Francis Jennis' pond

114 136-137 1-1-1699 & 10-28-1700 return & 10 lots of p 136 for town use. North Division lot layers to do (listed bounds) & Josiah Moulton to accept one lot.

114 137 8-3-1705 Examination of claims in North Div. and other meadows. Little River & meadows in No. Div accepted; appears that Hussey willed his daughter 2 shares & she has right to draw lots.

115 138 8-31-1726 meeting: re Falls parish to be set off.

115 138 12-23-1645 It is ord'd… Freeman only-200 acres granted, div into 147 shares

115 139 12-23-1645 A list of shares of house lots may be found on page 120 in old book (Vol. 2, typed "p 185")

115 139 3-11-1729 meeting yoking and ringing of swine

116 140 3-10-1730 (ref to Vol 2 "p 129")

116 141 3-3-1697 meeting: shares buried Little River shall get Alder Meadow lots

116 141 3-30-1669 It is ord'd… New Plantation lots/ 4 ranges or div. near Salisbury

116 141 1-17-1715 Pursuant to order … 3rd W. Div. So Side Taylor River; 3 principal roads

117-118 143-4 10-25-1714
Rev. Cotton complaint re 1668 land, selectmen meet

118 145 2-18-1715 bounds of Hog pen meadow

118 145 3-11-1672 Agreement between Roby (ref Vol. 2 "typed p214") Compensation Dudley, Garland (deceased) & Gillman settled - 60 acres

119 146-7 6-24-1672 (ref to Vol. 2 "typed p 215") solution to 60 acres layd out re Dudley & others

119 147 9-1664
Compliant re New Plantation house lots (ref to 7-28-1674); Pickpocket Mill Ref.

120 148-149 9-14-1696 meeting Fences and sheep, repair of minister's house, land near great tree near Samuel Fogg's house.

149 10-14-1696 meeting Cottons goods mistakenly sent to Boston

150-151 3-15-1697 meeting; order against taking in inmates, forinmen or servants without approbation of selectmen. to find new way to Portsmouth.

121-122 151-2 12-6-1697 meeting Complaint re fencing / Henry Green land/ lot layers to lay out land according to ancient grants / Trespassers cutting trees for timber.

121-122 153-154 12-24-1697 & 3-28-1698 & 9-11-1699 & 12-2-1698 meetings survey hwy and bridges, ancient bounds can't be found, parcels on the Ring

122 153 2-24-1698
Moulton twins land, sometimes Johnson's

123 155-156 11-4-1699 & 12-4-1699 meeting / oaths of office - Henry Dow town clerk; disorder, laying lots, exchange of land. Lt. Joseph Smith w/ Stanyan, Dow, Morris Hobbs, Samuel Robey and Marston to lay out North Division

124 157-158 9-23-1700 meeting; Sanborn & Pottell as constables Bridge Hampton Falls to Exeter; Tilton and sons to make road good and maintain it.

125 158-161 10-28-1700 & 11-18-1700 meetings New Plantation & commons, North Div.(Exeter line); Town lines, Garland mill, perambulations/surveys.

127 162-163 12-16-1700 meeting Need to prove ownership in 147 shares & 4thly/Jacob Green wants mill priviledge for corn mill - granted to his father according to original grants; 6thly/New Plantation according to original grants;7thly/Capt. Dow land.

128 164 4-15-1701 meeting Daniel Tilton land exchange according to lay out 1/2 ac formerly Elkins.

128-129 164-166 5-7-1701 meeting re perambulation of ancient line of Salisbury to Hampton. land owners to show proof, shares in common towards Kingston/Exeter line.

129 166 1701 meeting 9thly / Seven mile line

129-130 167-169 6-9-1701 Return of 7 mile line, lots to be laid out in 1/2 shares 10thly / William Lane propounding for acre near Gilles Swamp; 11thly / Edmond Johnson land exchange; John Green exchange.

130-131 169-170 9-29-1701 meeting chose constable

131 170 11-10-1701 meeting

131-132 170-172 8-11-1702 meeting

132 171 11-16-1702 meeting 6thly - Lock House; 7thly - West Division (Fogg)

132 172 1-12-1703 meeting 3rdly - Dearborn 5 acres by Burching Plains

132 173 1-12-1703 cont'd 5thly - 6thly - Hoyt & Bafford 7thly - Johnson

133 174 1-12-1703 cont'd 8thly - West Division

133 174-5 11-22-1703 meeting

133 175 2-15-1704 meeting: re town without a bell, ord'd one from England.

134 176 6-26-1704 Meeting re inquiring in Boston for a good bell. Falls people to have buring place to be laid out near Samuel Shaw.

134-135 177-178 12-26-1704 meeting claims of shares in North Division & Little River marshes

135-136 179-181 4-30-1705 & 5-2-1705 meeting; two men, Stanyan & Dow, to go to Porstmouth after town received notice from Capt. John Pickering, Speaker of the House, that meeting called by Reps. of the Province re Mr. Allin's claim that the Province may be at peace. Explanation of those NOT going on p 180. Meeting adj'd to May 4. Called for a May 4 meeting, but Stanyan & Dow to meet at Portsmouth on May 1. (ref to Vol. 2 p 183)

136 181 12-16-1705 meeting

137 182 2-26-1706 meeting: re running line between 2 provinces; 3 men appointed by Governor's Council to join with Massachussett's men and run the sayd line. Men not willing to join others, as they do not know who is going to pay them. Town agrees to pay.

137 183 2-26-1706 meeting: Simon Dow wants land piece. Several persons want rights in West Division rights; examination of claims, draw lots.

138 184 4-30-1706 meeting: meeting house repairs.

138 185 12-26-1706 meeting: complaint of sheep being killed or stolen. Request of earmarks; no one to keep stray for more than one night.

138-139 185-187 12-26-1706 meeting

139 187 3-19-1707 meeting

139 187 4-22-1707 Nath'l Bachelder, Jr. constable this year, making his complaint of his inability to serve, being first to remove so often because of the enemy. Joseph Swett to serve as constable.

140 188 5-21-1707 meeting Indenture - Isaac Green to maintain William Penney who is cast upon the town for Penney's natural life. No man shall entertain Penny for 24 hours without giving notice to his master.

140 189 9-17-1686 meeting: re Tuck gristmill / fulling mill. Tuck granted gristmill priviledge [p 157 ref Vol 2] to set up a grist mill and fulling mill, upon Nilus River, and to make convenient Dam or Dams for the same, provided that he shall not draw down water to damnify any man in their hay time in any of their meadows that lay below upon that river, upoin ... and that the said mills be built and finished within two years ...

140 189 12-29-1707 meeting building pews in the meeting house

141 189 12-29-1707 meeting 2ndly-to see what damage done to Ens. Joshua Wingitt land in North Division.

141 191 2-2-1708 meeting 6thly-John Knowles one share in North Division & 9thly - diving the commons into proportional shares in North and West Division, etc. (cont'd)

142 192-193 2-2-1708 LIST OF SHARES (cont'd) share owners listed

143 194 2-2-1708 cont'd

143 194 10?-23-1708 meeting Peter Weare assessed the town for not granting John Marston. Nathaniel Lock given one acre. Voted Daniel Tilton 8 acres for country road going through his land, and ref. to land near Dalton Farm.

143-144 195-196 10?-23-1708 meeting 5thly-Tuck & Wingate surveyors, to lay out land as it was granted at the last meeting. Examination of right owners of 147 shares. 7thly-Smith to lay out No. & W.Divisions / Lt. John Smith to lay down 40 acres in his right. 8thly- to run the old line from West Div. down to Mr. Bachilder's tree.

144 196 10?-23-1708 meeting Benjamin Sanborn 20 acres / exch. 4-5 acres

144 196 3-22-1708 meeting Common lands

144-145 197-198 5-14-1708 meeting To lay out 20 acres for Benjamin Sanborn. Lt. John Smith exchange 4-5 acres. John Smith (tailor) desires half share # 138. John Moulton on North Hill Plain. Prescott 10 acres. Exchange 3 ac John Dearborn. Sanborn 10 acres.

145-147 199-202 6-17-1708 meeting New Plantation questions re 4 ranges. 8thly-Redman exchange w/ Dearborn/Godfrey. Redman near "faite' brook." Hwy 4 rods wide be laid out as far up as 2nd W. Div. Adjustments: Cross out 78 share in North Div. for minister and he is to have 9th share. Chapmen relinquished 139 share in 2nd W. Div and to have 70 share in 2nd N. Div.; Prescott to have 139 share in 2nd W. Div.

147 202-203 9-15-1708 meeting Sale of lots not yet drawn in North and West Div. Hilliard requests share. John Philbrick may have right to a lot in old North Division.

147-148 203-204 12-29-1708 meeting Jonathan Moulton lot in North Plains be laid out.

148-149 204-206 3-8-1709 meeting re: tree cutting, horses doing damage, persons digging iron ore/ mines on the commons. Benjamin Thomas 2 acres of swamp. John Chase half acre.

149 206-207 6-21-1709 meeting Thatch ground sweepage be distributed to the poor. James Wall 100 acres to be laid out, revisit action against Peter Weare.

150 208 6-29-1709 meeting

150 208-209 7-18-1709 meeting Robey's bounds ref. to as "Great Meadow." Great pasture at Exeter. 7thly- That all petitions formerly put n for exchanging of land be throw__ by ___ (ends?)

150-151 209-210 8-29-1709 meeting Lot layers to finish laying out the farme formerly granted to Christopher Hussey on south side of Falls River… also to measure distance from siad farme reputed Stephen Hussesy and B. Norton… and to measure any other land which hath been enclosed which is part of said common.

151-152 210-211 12-29-1709 meeting: surveyors chosen Green, Tuck, Marston.

152-153 211-214 12-29-1709 meeting: 5 farms and liberty to John Tuck to turn the springs… Right to commons requested by owners of 5 farms (qtr. Mile between 1st and last Div.) Condition that owners of farm accept granting of first 147 shares now be allowed 157 only on that side of Taylor River. Timothy Dalton, Rev. Bachelder, Rev. Wheelwright, Dea. Cristopher Hussey and John Casse? Joseph Philbrick trouble with his land. 5thly-John Tuck liberty so far as the town hath a right to grant, to turn the Springs near where Thomas Sleeper dwelt and also the Springs that are at Alder Medow in his pond where his grist mill stands for the term of twenty ears on condition the said Tuck improve all opportunity of grinding the town's corn fo rthe sixteenth part thereof, and that the said John Tuck shall engage for to grind three days i a week when he has water and after the 20 years above mentioned are determined, if the town do further grant siad Sp;rings the said John Tuck shall have the offer on as easey terms as any other person. Voted. John Tuck.

153 214-215 4-26-1710 meeting Town to pay for John Cotton's funeral, Mrs. Cotton use of house, seeing new minister.

153 215 6-19-1710 meeting Nathaniel Gookin to be called for ministry, salary, etc. He is given one month to respond.

154 216 7-25-1710 meeting re Gookin agreement. Committee assigned to look for (another) minister. Every man is to bring his money to Constable Hobbs to pay rate for Mr. Gookin for the time he has been here among us.

154 217 8-14-1710 meeting: to discuss Mr. Gookin's lowest terms, voted he receive 70 pounds yearly…

154-155 217-218 1-1-1711 meeting: surveyors chosen Wingett & Philbrick. Felling of trees on the commons

155-156 219-220 2-19-1711 meeting re Quaker's New Parish. Dan'l Dow request for land, Huggins shares in 2nd W. and North Divisions.; Major Smith half share in 1st W. Div.;Moses Lovit (Leavitt) 1/2 acre n North Plains for tan yard; Abraham Green 5 ac by Falls River. Perambulation of old town line between Hampton & Salisbury. Town has no land left to lay out, per the act of the General Assembly 10-23-1710. Yet land of parsonage may be used for the new parish: 5 acres for a house lot and 60 acres for pasture for service of the parsonage; 8 acres thatch groundon Plum Island side belonging to Hampton, and we allow those called Quakers 12 acres land for their right.

156-157 221-222 12-15-1711 meeting: surveys chosen Wingate, Gove, Marston & Prescott. Appeal of Daniel Rogers against freeholders & iinhabitants of Hampton, with John Redman & John Gover power to prosecute the appeal against Rogers.

157 222 12-15-1711 meeting: Charge about the Commoners action that was commenced against them by Rogers shall be paid by commoners money. Maj. Jos Smith to have the 1/2 of 145 lott in 2nd W. Div for his half share that he should a had in 1st W. Div.

157 222 3-3-1712 meeting Tilton demands share in First West Div. in right of Huggins, deceased. Inquirey by committee. Redman and Gove given power to answer actions against commoners. Inquiry into John Green lot purchased of R. Moulton. Swaine to have 2 ac on the falls side.

157-158 223-225 9-22-1712 meeting by request of Falls Parish to bestow terms on Minister Cotton. Re: fencing in parsonage, school house to be built, and bounds enterred in town book.

159-160 226-229 12-29-1712 notice & meeting: 8thly- Whereas grants of land ought to be debated and granted in public… some persons have practiced to the contrary by getting persons to sign privately from house to house through ignorance of the land or profits which is requested have been grately imposed on have done wrong. Fines to be imposed and put to the use of the poor. Chase 4 ac of swamp near North Hill - to leave a hwy between Godfrey & Chase. Blake request liberty to build a house on bank by his mill. Major Smith request to add to his lot. Capt. Wingate land for a barn. Ehraim Marston request half a quarter of an acre by the fort in swamp to set a malt house on and he shall enjoy same as long as he shall improve it in making mault for this town. Fences to be removed from commons hindering passage.

160-161 229-231 3-1-1714 meeting: voted to exchange lot 144 in 2nd W. Div with Jabez Smith for 129 lot in same Div. Thomas Chase to draw share not yet drawn in last div. or to satisfy him. Palmer satisfaction for way through his lot by Winnicut River. Voted 4 ac thatch ground to add to 8 ac granted parsonage belongs to falls.

161-162 231-232 7-5-1714 meeting: Rec'd town books viz: old books (some writen in) and loose papers and receipts, & 10 shillings in bills of credit. Rec'd of Jabez Dow by town clerk John Tucke.

162 232-233 7-28-1714 meeting Committee to petition Governor to settle & survey bounds of town and to grant us the confirmationn of our ancient town bounds.

162-163 233-234 1-17-1715 meeting: to resurvey hog pen farm (ref p 139 Vol. 2) To survey and lay out common Land 157 shares So side of Taylor River and leave hwy. Bounds in 1st & 2nd W. Divisions be reviewed. Exeter request to join & resurvey ancient bounds 2-1-1715. To lay out meadow now ajoining said farms to determine bounds. Hogpen springs & one acre adjoining tobe forever public. Gores of land between said farme to be measured and sold. Green to lay down 18 acres he exchanged.

163-164 235-237 3-7-1715 & 3-14-1715 meeting:surveyors Hilyard, Page, Lt. Gove, Capt. Wingett, Dow. Meeting adj'd to Monday next. (3-14-1715) Commoners to draw for lots 3rd W. Div in first original grant of shares bearing date 1645 with some few granted afterwards:

164-165 237-238 3-5-1716 meeting: surveyors Smith, Hillyard & Moulton. There was a committee to state bounds of towns and parishes. We will not consent to the settling any other bounds but ye ancient bounds settled by General Court of Boston 1643.

165 238 1-3-1717 meeting

165 238-239 3-9-1717 meeting: Surveyors Marston, Lt. Smith, Fifield & Ens. Hilyard. Printed aw books to be sold in this town for its use.

165 239 7-30-1717 meeting

165-166 239-240 8-7-1717 meeting: Town elected reps to sit in General Assembly, which was dissolved by Lieut. Gov Vaughan. Rec'd a receipt from Governor Shute for a new choice to join said assembly. In answer, if reps are dismissed, the whole are dismissed. And we humbly declare we are of opinion not to join assembly men with such as are not legally chosen and qualified.

166 240-241 3-3-1718 meeting: each selectmen to have copy of law books. Surveyors Capt. Wingett, Capt. Smith, Ens. Hilyard, Cap;t. Smith, Capt. Casse? Perambulation of ancient lines from old bounds on northerly side of Josslings Neck near the sea until it meet to New Castle's sw line above.

166-167 241-242 5-5-1718 notice & meeting: 18 acres to be laid down for John Green on South side of Hogpen farm. Burnt swamp inspection. Liberty granted to town set up fence from Tuck's Mill to Little River mouth to prevent cattle from trespassing on beach. Gate allowed to prevent hindrance.

167 242-243 7-17-1718 meeting of proprietors of old parish on northerly side of Taylor's River re building new meeting house & hiring school master.

168 244-245 3-2-1719 notice & meeting of freeholders of old parish re meeting house. Surveyors Shaw, Page, Moulton, Dearborn, Longfellow & Tilton.

168-169 245-246 3-7-1719 meeting: law re yoking and ringing of swine. Sale of old meeting house and profit for use of Rev. Nathaniel Gookin.

169 246-247 5-10-1720 meeting: proprietors of common land meet to prevent land from being fenced in by those with no right.

170 248 5-18-1720 meeting (ref to Vol. 2 p 175): Inquire if new bell can be sent for from England as the one rec'd was broken.

170 248-249 6-27-1720 meeting: Jennins (Jenness?) Hoping to end differences on lot lines and to live neighborly!

170-171 249-250 12-5-1720 meeting: to hear complaints of men with lots in North Div. and make report. Voted request of Isaac Green to exchange land and settle issue in 2nd & 3rd Div. on falls side. Third West Div. line drawn 1715 be enterred in town records as drawn for in original rights. Voted town clerk shall not records returns of James Jeffreys or any other lot layer unless ordered by proprietors or commoners to lay it out and accept returns.

171-172 250-252 3-7-1715 meeting: re woodland lots granted to men who fought during war. Debt incurred yet unpaid to be made up by land on south side of Taylor's River to be now divided according to their rights of shares. cont'd- Whereas farms claim priviledges in cow common and land now divided, town doth allow ancient farms a fee sweepage? And 2 lots to each farm … if accepted. No notes of this proceeding be given until town meets again, after inquiring about mistakes in the dividing or misdrawing of above lots of land, so errors may be rectified and proceeding fairly entered in town book. Gores of land to be sold not be recorded until paid for. Lot 139 to B. Sanborn & P. Blake. meeting adj'd to 3-14-1715 to draw lots.

172-173 253-254 3-14-1728 meeting: Voted selecmen to take care to secure stock of powder and ball as they see cause, to build a plan for security thereof.

173 254 3-6-1721 meeting

173 255 6-27-1721 meeting: re considering proposal for arbitration of Attorney Nath'l Weare, Capt. Dow & Lieut. J. Marston regarding Jennis and late controversy. 4thly-search of records for land ownership to prevent fencing. Bounds of Redman land to be determined.

174-176 256-260 3-5-1722 meetings of freeholders and of owners of common land: adj'd to 3-13-1722 (ref to Vol. 2 p 177). Committee for Divsions ordered to be laid out at meeting 3-20-1722. Parsonage shares -one to be laid out in 1st Div.-one in 2nd Div. Land lost in 1st North Div shall receive quitclaim and in exchange 10 acres for 30 acres that they say they have lost. Committee impowered to examine claims. May 10, 1722 is date to begin and to finish by end of July. Prescott quitclaim of 12-26-1720 be set in record. (Meeting adj'd to 3-20-1722) Committee to receive claims. Decision to lay land of 5 divisions into the 1st Div. to begin at Benjamin Moulton, Jr., straight to Benjamin Lamprey, Jr. & then north until it comes to ye old North Division. And the 3 (3rd) Division from said road with QM, and so to Bride hill bounded with the road to Exeter. 4th Div. from said road to Taylor's River up to Ass Brooks mouth. And there on ( yn )said brook to where road goes over Bride Hill to Exeter. And 5th Division to be from the bounds on the west side of 4th Div. to Salisbury line, the QM included therein. And persons owning rights in cow common shall have equal in such division as he belongs to. Cont'd. (Major part of the owners of each Division shall have power to manage their affairs as fully as all the commoners could do.)

176-179 260-266 5-8-1722 meeting according to ajd't of 3-20-1722 To hear claims of owners of cow common who were told to bring in their claims. Regarding those claiming rights in New Plantation, those fall within the bounds of Kingston and Hampton has nothing to do with that. Agreement that persons named here shall have land. See further details.

179-180 266-269 5-29-1722 meeting: (ref to Vol 2. p 180) 2ndly - Committee formed to settle disputes. 3rdly - Committee to view small tracts proposed to be sold. 3 acres t Daniel Fogg. Quitclaims. Voted Wingett & Dow have full power to answer action commenced against commoners by Ichabod Robie. Return of committee accepted 5-8-1722, but no person appointed to lay out land. Now doing so. Shares to J. Dearborn. Line between old North Division and commoners determined.

180-181 269-271 8-26-1722 Land surveyed. (Ref to Vol 2. p 181) 5th Div. Mistake in survey re Jos. Casse 3rd W. Div, lot #25. Moulton improved 3rd W. Div, lot #111 and quitclaim of #115.

181 271 3-4-1723 meeting: surveyors Wingett, Marston, Tole & Marston.

182 272-273 5-13-1723 meeting: re Thos. Leavitt vs. Town. commoners share in 2nd W. Div. be sold.

182 273 11-18-1723 meeting to review Petition of Thomas Levit and others to be heard at General Assembly.

182-183 273-274 3-2-1724 meeting: Re commoners who attended settlement of commoners into 5 Divisions to meet 6-9-1724 to consider and raise money to satisfy judgment of Thomas Levitt against town and whether we shall consider proceeding further with the case. And to consider a method to put a stop to numerous suits that may otherways arise concerning New Plantation.

183 275 6-9-1724 meeting: tax to raise money for settlement of land into 5 divisions, judgement of Thomas Levit at Superior Court. Voted a committee to draw a petition re these affairs.

184 276 9-16-1724 meeting: representation of parish at Oct. meeting at Courthouse in Portsmouth re province tax.

184 276 3-1-1725 meeting: payment of surveyors. Money granted ot Nathaniel Gookin.

184 277 3-7-1726 meeting: Deed of Dalton lands for use of ministry.

185 278 3-14-1727 meeting: Gookin salary

185 279 3-12-1728 meeting: money in 2nd Div. due to Gookin. Seats for women in gallery, men at opposite end. Securing powder and ball.

186 280 8-25-1672 meeting: (ref to Vol. 2 p 203) Complaints to selectmen re fences encroach on hwys.

186 281 9-19-1674 meeting re school master

12-11-1674 meeting Sanborn and Roby to measure lands through which hwy goeth to Piscataway, cuts from Dalton land on first ridge and other side of North Hill Bridge. To lay him land at other end.

186-187 281-282 6-30-1675 meeting: death of Selectman John Cass. Men above 20 years in age to assist in raising new meeting house and shall not fail his appearance at the ringing of the bell at 6 in the morning or will pay fine.

187 282 6-12-1675 town meeting

187 283 8-1-1675 Town being met to consider charge recovered by John Huggins, re land he has fenced in.

187 283 12-14-1675 meeting: preventing fire by not taking tobaco in the new meeting house.

187-188 283-284 6-30-1676 meeting:those galloping through town will be fined.

188 284-285 2-14-1676 meeting: re orders to restrain damage down by horses and cattle. When creeks and rivers are frozen, every inhabitant shall take care of their own cattle. Jennis lots near the sea to be restored. Return follows dated 4-20-1675. Shares laid out in North Div.

189 286 9-2-1676 meeting: Seaborn Cotton & Samuel Dalton to draw up a Declaration- Town remains under Mass. Govt., not damnify Mason

189 286 12-19-1677 meeting: Law prohibits granting land, timber or commonage or receiving inhabitants, etc.

189 286 3-8-1677 meeting

189 287 9-19-1678 meeting Controversy, C. Palmer 50 acres above the Indian grants, about which town had suit with Daniel Tilton.

189-190 287-289 12-19-1678 meeting re laws of the country strickly prohibit (trustees) granting or exchanging or disposing of land, timber or commonage, etc. Spoil made of town's timber. Liberty granted to Henry Green to set up dam on falls River… James Johnson granted liberty to set up grist and fulling mill upon Nilas River and make convenient dam. Dissents to grant to Johnson listed.

190 289 1-27-1679 meeting: Reguest by Jennis of land exchange / back side of Great Pond for like quanity about Josselin's Neck, provided a hwy within 10 rods of John Lock land.

190-191 289-290 3-27-1679 Meeting: For incouragement to settle at New Plantation, persons hsall have liberty to take up 40 acres of plantig land apiece, etc. 2nd field on North Plains be laid out on both sides of hwy next May 1. Taylor and king keep rights purchased of Taylor.

191 290 6-14-1679 meeting

191 291 6-14-1679 meeting

191 291 11-24-1679 meeting re shingling Cotton's house.

191-192 291-292 5-13-1680 meeting Selectmen forbidden to grant or dispose of land

192 292 6-12-1680 meeting: complaint of spoiling of town timber and encroachment on commons.

192 292-293 10-16-1680 meeting:common meadows and marshes to be divided and laid out into shares and to be exchanged once in six years. Old saw mill be removed or rebuilt upper Taylor River.

192-193 293-295 3-21-1680 meeting: (see Vol. 2 p 208) John Clifford, Sr., Marston and Moulton surveyors. Return of grants of 1 ac to Sanborn, 20 acres to Prescott. Roby and Dow to lay out shares of common marshes in Alder or Hassocky Meadow, with permission to flow.

193 295 5-16-1681 meeting

193-194 295-296 10-13-1681 meeting: to give power to surveyors for hwys to see that all persons in town do perform their proportion of work according to former custom. Delinquents to be penalized. Liberty to jacob Brown & James Johnson for gristmill nr Brown's pasture provided they build it, keep it in good order for grinding town's corn and make gates to let out water, that they flow not any man's hay in hay time.

194 296-297 2-6-1681 meeting: power to surveyors…

194 297 1-24-1680 meeting. Trustees are not to receive any inhabitant, give or change any lands, or any thing … and they shall have keeping of the town records for ensuing year.

195 298-299 4-7-1687 meeting: Indian troubles era town to preserve corn & meadows, build "watch house," provide powder, bullets, Mach, flints etc. To meet with Salisbury men re perambulation of bounds. Sherborn to build seat for him and his wife / family in meeting house.

195 299 8-2-1687 meeting: fine for absense from legal meeting.

196 300 11-28-1687 meeting: (ref to Vol. 2 p 211) Killing of wolves, no dogs in in meetinghouse on Sabbath, and youth to be kept from playing on Sabboth or being dissorderly. Men to treat with John Cotton about his willingness to settle with us in the work of the ministry. Town voted to show their approbation that Mr. cotton should be called to office by Ordination.

196 301 5-21-1688 meeting re Mr. Cotton's comfortable maintenance.

197 302 6-12-1689 meeting: not all proprietors had notice of meeting, not responsibility of selectmen, so meeting cont'd. Re raising money for money already expended n case of law in sending for England Mr. Wm. Vauhan and Mr. Wire. Payment for killing wolves to be in corn.

197 303 6-19-1689 meeting: payment re Gove's order of 1688.

197 303 7-8-1689 meeting: response to letter from Portsmouth and Great Island re what is to be done for peace and safety until we shall receive order from the Crown of England. Voted to make fortification about the meeting house for security from violence of the Heathen.

198 304-305 11-14-1689 meeting: re convenient house for ministry. Nathaniel Wire (Weare?) to give notice to Nathaniel Griffin that he should not be an inhabitant of this town and he is to depart or give said town securities from damage. Liberty given to John Tuck to make a dam where Nilus comes out of Hasica meadow, and to set up a fulling mill provided it be fitt to goe and full cloth within two years.

199 306 12-18-1689 meeting:re considering unsettled estate that we are in for want of Government, incapable of defending ourselves against invasion of any enemy. Johnson given liberty to set up fulling mill on Bursley Brook, provided it be builded to full cloth in a years time or grant is voided. Payment to Johson for building meeting house to be in corn. Others paid to Thomas Webster.

199-200 307-308 10-22-1689 Indian troubles era Received from Honorable Gov.of Masitusits Colony intimatig the readiness of the Confederate Colonys viz: of Plymouth & Coniticote for ye viorus prosicution of ye warr against ye common enemy … Dissentors listed.

200 308-309 1-20-1689 meeting re late revolution in Masitusitts Colony, no orders from their Majesties have yitt arived for ye settlement of Government… Need to raise money and men for defence against common enemy, joined by Portsmouth and Dover in concern, agree to committee to meet. Dissentors listed.

201 310-311 1-22-1691 meeting re Indian troubles, voted to send out scouts.

200-202 311-312 6-11-1690 meeting re raising money for minister. Rev. Pike considered

202 312-313 4-30-1691 meeting: Voted 6-11-1690 for Mr. John Pike to settle here as minister, provided he be clear from Dover church. His answer would be received by 5-28.

202-203 313-314 10-26-1691 meeting: re letter from Capt. John Pickering by order of Major Vaughan to meet in Porstmouth re defence against Common Enemy. Rev. Cotton asked to return

203 314 11-12-1691 meeting: received letter from Mr. Cotton encouraging us to give him intimation of our wishes. Dissents Notice to William Penny that town forbids his abiding in town and to John Garland or any other man that maintains him that they entertain him not, except if bond is made for security.

203-204 315-316 2-25-1692 meeting re town without minister, will send another request to Mr. Cotton. Surveyors chosen: Swett, Taylor and Marston, who are to take special care that all their Majesties highways and bridges shall be kept I good repair according to former custom by the town.

204 316-317 3-25-1692 meeting: re Cotton salary, building him house, fencing land and repairing barn.

205 318-319 5-27-1692 meeting: re removing fortification about the meeting house, and to set it between the prison and minister's house in convenient place.

205-206 319-320 9-5-1692 meeting: re repairing the Majesties highways and bridges. Marston to keep the pound.

206 320 9-27-1692 meeting

206 320 11-15-1692 meeting: re treasurers warrant to choose a commission to make assesment of province law re rates.

206 321 11-25-1692 meeting: re minister's new house. Re Robey laying out all meadow and marsh, not done and he died. Marston and Samuel Dow and Sgt. Joseph Dow to divide same.

207 322 2-21-1693 meeting: unruly horses, school master, town debt.

207-208 323-325 3-24-1693 meeting re complaint re fences on commons and watering places. 7thly- men building dam upon Litter River above Peter Johnson's grant. Considerations given to give them liberty to goe on with building mill. Lieut. John Smith has liberty to remove his fulling mill to such a place he choses upon Nilus above his sawmill at the end of beach nect, and to make a dam there... Land to be laid out 10-16-1680 resolved by freeholders all between North Divison and the road from ye sea to Exeter bounds by Ass Brook Bridge, Hasick Meadow only excepted. 10thly-those desireing division of land make proposal to selectmen for consideration at next meeting of freeholders.

209 326 7-14-1693 meeting: granted on south side of Taylor river 1.5 acre for school house. Minister's lots added, small tract. Men building sawmill on Little River shall have lieberty to go on. They likewise began mill upon Nilus between Bare (Bear) Swamp and Alder Meadow and have liberty with provisions. Elkins propounding for grant of small tact of swamp against his house.

209 327 1693 meeting No side Taylor River, 1 acre for school

210 328 9-11-1693 meeting

210 329 11-13-1693 meeting re rams be kept from flock next summer.

210-211 329-331 3-22-1694 meeting. Re warning to prevent persons fencing in proprietors land where they have cattle feeding in summer. Empowering selectmen to prosecute as trespassers. To have generous pasture for cows, swine and sheep near Little Boarshead, with gates on country way, and committee to bound out where fence should be made from Little Boarshead to Taylor River. Like liberty granted on south side of Taylor River for pasture to Salisbury line. Road northerly of meeting house to be laid out. Committee to review rights to shares in Cow Common, shares to be enterred into Town Book, and whose share it was previously.

211 331 5-17-1694 Capt. Henry Dow to go to New Castle to manifest town's desire that no township be granted to any person to come within 7 miles of Hampton meeting house westward upon a straight line. Consideration of increase of benefits and salary for Minister Cotton.

212-213 333-334 9-11-1694 meeting: Henry Green propounded to lay down 2.5 acres to town formerly taken by execution in the Ring by Robert Lord Marshall and sold t0 Henry Green. Green to take 10 acres up in the woods above his house.

213 334-335 10-29-1694 meeting: town to allow more for Mr. Cotton, allow payment to Mrs. Sherborn for entertaining the sick.

213-214 335-336 5-20-1695 meeting re going to New Castle in obedience of order from Honourable Lieut. Gov and cuncil to show why we are not willing the petition of New Castle should be granted. Town voted to consider proposal re bounds.

214 336 5-24-1695 meeting

214 336 9-13-1695 meeting

214 337 12-6-1695 ref to look back p 141 of Vol 2 / Old Book.

215 338-42 1703/1706/1645 Shares in North Division listed & Lot numbers in 1st West Div, lately drawn out and lots for 1-12-1703. (note p 341, some lots drawn 3-22-1706) (note p 339 on reverse of 340) (note to ref p 120 of vol. 2 for p 342 Vol. 7 for list of shares of common granted of house lots on 12-23- 1645 into 147 shares, excepting commanage for farms. Town keeps 11 shares of all the several commons.)

218-220 345-348 1662-1664 Record of Commons 1-9-1662 examined and recorded. (ref Vol. 2 p 120)

220-223 348-354 4-5-1694 List of shares in cow common alinated from one to another and now enterred to right owners, as it appears by examination by gift, purchase, will or inheritance 3-22-1694 List of names

223-224 354-356 1694? Lots of meadow and marsh (ref to Vol. 7 p 141) List of names; p 354 1st grant to Henry Green to build mill.

224 356-357 3-3-1669 Lots granted at New Plantation to be laid out in lower ranges or divisions, to begin next to Salisbury bounds. Per old book (Vol. 2) 12-22-1669 Ranges / Divisions 1,2,3,4. John Cass to take last lott #41 ; lot laid to Will. Fuller by agreement.

225-226 358-360 ? 3rd West Division Lots in original rights (ref p 126) (No date on some, other dated 3-14-1715.)

226 361 3-14-1715 3rd West Div lots drawn. Town shares listed, farm shares to John Brown, Christopher Hussey, Mr. Dalton/teacher, John Cross, Mr. Wheelright.

226 361-363 11-8-1708 meeting: uplands shares drawn and layed out for next 6 years / marsh and thatch ground now laid out according to quantity and quality. (cont'd p 363) Count of lots to Lamprey, Dow, Moultoh, Moulton, Brown and Shaw.

227-228 363-4 11-26-1708 meeting: re men to do stone fence Joseph Chase 2 shares and (cont'd) owners of the other 35 shares are to do the work.

228 364-5 11-24-1708 Account of marsh shares List of names, lot numbers. Lieut. Philbrick to have first shares…

229 366 5-21-1709 meeting: owners of Great Oxe Common agree to stand tryel (trial) at Court of Common Pleas held at Porstmouth. commoners case in Portsmouth

229 366 6-11-1711 meeting Lieut. Philbrick and J. Marston to prosecute men that don'd do their portin of wood fence and stone fence and gate… wood/stone fences being prosecuted

229-230 367-8 11-24-1708 List: thatch ground in Ox common

230 368 1-2-1711 Writ of Morris Hobbs, Sr. re conveyance of land in ox common from James Philbrick. Hobbs exchange with Philbrick for bridge maintenance.

230 369 9-9-1714 meeting of owners of great ox common And to draw shares of upland forever; defect in that two men had #19 share. Voted to draw again. Lastly agreed to meet again for share of marsh on 10-7-1714

231 370 9-9-1714 Upland lots of Great Ox Common drawn forever. List of names and lot numbers.

231 371 2-22-1716 meeting: action against town by James Menzies (?) and agreement to stand triell (trial) with him.

231 371 6-29-1737 meeting: Men to look after marsh, beach and pines that belong to commoners for 3 years.

232 372-373 10-7-1714 meeting: Joseph Chase shall have forever all ye marsh and thatch ground lying in Ox Common between Cedars and River mouth that is not already laid out into lots. He will leave convenient way between lots already laid out.

232-233 373-374 10-7-1714 Marsh shares on Great Ox Common drawn. marsh shares

233 374 12-25-1710 Aritas Leavitt will regarding lands and shares

234-239 376-387 1653-1668